White Collar Crime; Identify a real example of a corporate scandal – an example of when one of the listed business crimes from your textbook was alleged to or may have been committed.  Now look at your example from a prosecutor’s viewpoint: present your argument to the judge as to why the conduct at issue should be viewed as constituting one of those specific business crimes. (Identify the elements of the crime and show how the facts support each element to prove the conduct was criminal). In your reply post, look at your classmate’s example from a corporation defense perspective: present your argument to the judge as to why the conduct at issue is not a business crime (show how one of the elements of the crime was not met, or could be disproved, or how a defense could be asserted.

White Collar CrimeIdentify a real example of a corporate scandal – an example of when one of the listed business crimes from your textbook was alleged to or may have been committed.  Now look at your example from a prosecutor’s viewpoint: present your argument to the judge as to why the conduct at issue should be viewed as constituting one of those specific business crimes. (Identify the elements of the crime and show how the facts support each element to prove the conduct was criminal). In your reply post look at your classmate’s example from a corporation defense perspective: present your argument to the judge as to why the conduct at issue is not a business crime (show how one of the elements of the crime was not met or could be disproved, or how a defense could be asserted. White Collar Crime

Case Study: A 5-year-old GabrielIdentify a real example of a corporate scandal – an example of when one of the listed business crimes from your textbook was alleged to or may have been committed.  Now look at your example from a prosecutor’s viewpoint: present your argument to the judge as to why the conduct at issue should be viewed as constituting one of those specific business crimes. (Identify the elements of the crime and show how the facts support each element to prove the conduct was criminal). In your reply post, look at your classmate’s example from a corporation defense perspective: present your argument to the judge as to why the conduct at issue is not a business crime (show how one of the elements of the crime was not met, or could be disproved, or how a defense could be asserted. White Collar Crime

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