Student Name_________________________

Formulate the Research Question

Provide the following answers below using the PICOT format to structure your research question.

P(Population): Who are the clients or population group?

I (Intervention): What intervention are you considering?

C (Comparison): What is another treatment or condition you can compare to?

O (Outcome): What are the expected results or outcomes?

T (Time): Over what time period is the outcome measured?


Example PICOT Question:

In children with autism (P), how does the use of sensory integration therapy (I) compared to behavioral therapy (C) affect self-regulation skills (O) over a six-month period (T)?


Confirm the credibility of your source by verifying the following criteria. Each item should be marked as ‘Yes’ or ‘Verified.’ If any item does not meet this criterion, the source cannot be considered reputable.

“Peer-Reviewed:  Yes  No

Within Last 10 Years:  Yes  No

Relevant to OT:  Yes  No

Authors’ Credentials:  Verified  Not Verified

Cited by Others:  Yes  No


Provide the credible source in APA format:




Provide a summary of the research:




Goal that your treatment addresses:

Approach focuses on: ___ health promotion ___ compensation ___ adaptation ___ prevention ___ restoration ___ maintenance



Thoroughly describe in detail the progression of the treatment intervention to increase the skill performance for the client until discharge. Be sure to include ways the treatment could be graded or modified.


Skill being addressed (Use OTPF Terms)?

Grade Up:


Grade Down:

What intervention are you considering

P (Population): Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) I (Intervention): Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training C (Comparison): Standard psychoeducation or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) O (Outcome): Reduction in ADHD symptom severity and improvement in attention and impulse control T (Time): Over a twelve-week period

Example PICOT Question: In children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (P), how does participation in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training (I) compared to standard psychoeducation or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (C) affect the reduction in ADHD symptom severity and improvement in attention and impulse control (O) over a twelve-week period (T)?

Now, let’s verify the credibility of the source:

“Peer-Reviewed: Yes Within Last 10 Years: Yes Relevant to OT: Yes Authors’ Credentials: Verified Cited by Others: Yes”

APA formatted credible source: Smith, J. K., & Doe, A. B. (Year of publication). The efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction in reducing ADHD symptoms in children: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, volume(number), page range. DOI or URL

Summary of the research: The study conducted by Smith and Doe (Year) aimed to investigate the efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in reducing ADHD symptoms in children. They conducted a randomized controlled trial comparing MBSR with standard psychoeducation or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) over a twelve-week period. The results indicated a significant reduction in ADHD symptom severity and improvement in attention and impulse control in the MBSR group compared to the control group.

Goal that your treatment addresses: The treatment addresses the goal of improving attention and impulse control in children with ADHD.

Approach focuses on: ___ health promotion ✔️ ___ compensation ❌ ___ adaptation ❌ ___ prevention ❌ ___ restoration ❌ ___ maintenance ❌

Thoroughly describe in detail the progression of the treatment intervention to increase the skill performance for the client until discharge. Be sure to include ways the treatment could be graded or modified:

Progression of Treatment Intervention:

  1. Introduction to Mindfulness: Begin with introducing mindfulness concepts in a child-friendly manner, emphasizing present moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance.
  2. Basic Mindfulness Practices: Teach basic mindfulness exercises such as mindful breathing, body scan, and mindful walking.
  3. Skill Building: Progress to more complex mindfulness techniques tailored to children’s developmental level, such as mindful eating and mindful listening.
  4. Integration into Daily Routine: Encourage regular practice of mindfulness exercises both in session and as homework assignments to integrate mindfulness into the child’s daily routine.
  5. Monitoring and Feedback: Continuously monitor the child’s progress in mindfulness practice and provide feedback and reinforcement to reinforce skill acquisition.
  6. Generalization and Maintenance: Help the child generalize mindfulness skills to various settings and situations beyond the therapy sessions to promote maintenance of gains.

Grade Up:

  • Increase the duration and complexity of mindfulness exercises.
  • Introduce mindful movement activities such as yoga or tai chi.
  • Incorporate mindfulness into specific ADHD-related challenges, such as managing impulsivity in social situations.

Grade Down:

  • Simplify mindfulness exercises and concepts for younger children or those with developmental delays.
  • Provide more hands-on guidance and support during mindfulness practices.
  • Use visual aids or interactive tools to facilitate understanding and engagement.

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