Complete the both sections of this assignment and compose your answers in a 5 page essay using APA format and include a title page and reference page which is not part of your total page number…Simulation-Based TeamSTEPPS.

Access the web site. Review this web page before clicking and downloading the Clinical Communication guide. Answer the following question:

  1. How many phases are assessed?,
  2. Who should complete the self-assessment and evaluate potential health IT-related patient safety risks?,
  3. How many recommended action steps are involved?,
  4. What is the role of the informatics nurse when using this guide?

Simulation-Based TeamSTEPPS

After reading in your text book (pages 509-510) and learning about incorrect orders being placed on patient electronic records caused by inactivated alerts the Administrator of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) has asked the informatics nurse to investigate TeamSTEPPS for the practice. After accessing the web site: create an action plan to implement TeamSTEPPS in this practice.

TeamSTEPPS Model The TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Core Curriculum is designed to help you develop and deploy a customized plan to train your staff in teamwork skills and lead a medical teamwork improvement initiative in your organization from initial concept development through to sustainment of positive changes. STEPPS stands for strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety. Comprehensive curricula and instructional guides include short case studies and videos illustrating teamwork opportunities and successes. Supporting materials include a pocket guide, CD-ROM and DVD, and evaluation tools. Instructor and Trainer workshop materials focus on change management, coaching, and implementation (AHRQ, 2014b). TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system designed for health care professionals that is: A powerful solution to improving patient safety within your organization An evidence-based teamwork system to improve communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals A source for ready-to-use materials and a training curriculum to successfully integrate teamwork principles into all areas of your health care system Scientifically rooted in more than 20 years of research and lessons from the application of teamwork principles Developed by Department of Defense’s Patient Safety Program in collaboration with the AHRQ TeamSTEPPS also provides simulation support. The purpose of this guide is to provide instruction on using simulation-based training when teaching TeamSTEPPS, as opposed to using TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies in simulation training for other purposes. The 510 IV: Patient Safety, Quality, and Population Health use of simulation, which has been proven to be a powerful strategy in team-based health care, affords excellent opportunities to enhance the quality of continuing education for health care professionals, as well as provide education and practice for students learning to become health care professionals. The culture of medicine has traditionally valued technical proficiency over interpersonal skills, and this may not always be the most efficacious approach to ensuring patient safety. This TeamSTEPPS simulation guide integrates critical teamwork as well as interpersonal and communication skills into simulation-based training, thereby offering strategies and tools that can improve team performance and enhance patient safety. This training course can and should be adapted to meet the needs of specific health care teams and programs. It is intended as a train-the-trainer program in which key personnel become familiar with the materials and activities so that they can offer the simulation-based TeamSTEPPS training to local health care teams. Users of this training course are encouraged to adapt and augment activities accordingly, substituting their own scenarios in the training, when applicable (American Institutes for Research, 2011). The Leapfrog Group, an Employer-Based Safety Initiative As a result of the 1999 report by the IOM, a group of concerned employers launched an initiative called The Leapfrog Group. This initiative led by employers was focused on market reinforcement to improve patient safety and quality through breakthrough initiatives or “Big Leaps” in hospital safety. The initial focus was on four areas: (a) CPOE, (b) evidence-based hospital referral, (c) ICU physician staffing with intensivists, and (d) NQF safety practices constituting 34 safe practices (The Leapfrog Group, 2014). Although the Leapfrog initiative has created some controversy among hospitals (Umbdenstock, 2012), the Leapfrog Group has created a CPOE evaluation tool positioned as a means for addressing the customization and monitoring of CPOE to realize the full benefit of desired safety benefits. The importance of customization is supported by the National Quality Forum and supports the requirements under meaningful use (MU; Kilbridge, Welebob, & Classen, 2006; Thompson, 2010). The latest Leapfrog tool uses simulated cases for hospitals to test the build of the EHRs for safe and efficient CPOE customizations (Leung et al., 2013). The tool can assist hospitals in prioritizing their improvement strategies and they are able to monitor progress over time by annual use of the tool to evaluate progress (L. Saldana, personal communication, February 15, 2015). The Leapfrog assessment tool and the SAFER Guides are two strategies organizations can use to facilitate safe effective use of technology to improve care. Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Leadership to Transform Education The IOM report The Future of Nursing is perhaps one of the best places to examine the role of clinicians with respect to improving the care we deliver. The report reinforces the importance of advanced practice graduate-prepared nurses working within interprofessional teams to transform the health care system in positive directions. The vision for the future that this report describes is one that includes promoting wellness and prevention, reliably improving health outcomes, and providing competent care across the life span, calling on patient-centric interprofessional teams as a norm for the health care industry. Further, the report examines the role of nursing in realizing this vision, and specifically

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