BS4S16 Resit Assignment – Leadership and Management Theories

Critically Evaluate the application of Leadership & Management Theories within a contemporary organization with which you are familiar

Resit Assignment – Critically Evaluate the application of Leadership & Management

Theories within a contemporary organization with which you are familiar (students must use a different organization from the one they used on the first attempt)

6.000 words +/- 10%


The recommended font is Calibri, font size 12, spaced 1.5, aligned on both margins

Recommended Structure for Assignment is aligned to Marking Guide

Must be written in the 3rd person – academic writing

Ensure to label and number any diagrams or tables, including source

Ensure the assignment has page numbers

Ensure to use English (UK) spell check function

Must use USW Harvard Style Referencing throughout the Report and in the References section.

Recommended Structure for the BS4S16 Assignment

COVER PAGE to include:

USW Logo

Title for the Report:  Critical Evaluation of the application of Leadership & Management Theories within…………………………………………………….

Student number (a must include) and name (optional)

Module Name and Code: Leadership and Management Theories BS4S16

Next Page if appropriate:

List of Abbreviations, List of Diagrams, List of Tables, …

Next Page:

Table of Contents – Must clearly use core Headings as they are related to Marking Guide

INTRODUCTION  – +/- 650 words – Marking Guide 10%

Context; outline the importance of L&M theories as a point of discussion today.

State the Aim of Assignment/Report

Introduce the organisation (small/large business, family business, cooperative, multinational), number of employees, sector of activity (products, services), organisational structure, mission, values

Overview of the Methodology: Leadership and Management Theories

Type of analysis to be conducted – Quantitative/ Qualitative/ both

Type of data to be analysed – Primary/Secondary data/ both

Desk Research, Literature Review (Academic and Sector)

Present an Overview of the actual structure of the Report

CRITICAL EVALUATION OF LITERATURE REVIEW – +/-1900 words – Marking Guide 30%

The use of relevant and contemporary academic and sector references is critical

Include academic Leadership and Management Theories or analysis models to be used in Section 3 and Section 4

CRITICAL DISCUSSION of Practice in the Organisation – +/- 1900 words – Marking Guide 30%

Section based on the practices within the organisation

Re-Introduce the organisation, present the organisational context that underpins the critical discussion

Possible questions to help you develop the critical discussion:

What is the most suitable model that will assist in the analysis of the organisation, in order to structure the critical discussion of the Leadership and Management practices in the organisation?

PESTLE, 5 Forces, ……, 4I’s of TL, ……. , Hofstede Culture,   other…………………….

Are there critical events (internal or external) that have significantly affected the Leadership and Management practices in the organisation?

Critically discuss the Leadership and Management practices in the Organisation, whilst cross-referencing to the theoretical context/literature review presented in Section 2

CRITICAL Evaluation on the fit between Theory & Practice – +/-1250 words – Marking Guide 20%

Possible questions, which may help with the critical evaluation of the fit between Theory & Practice

Were all L&M theories presented in Section 2 present in the L&M practices in the organisation?

What are the aspects of the L & M theories that best fit the L&M practice in the organisation?

What are the aspects of the L & M theories that least fit the L&M practice in the organisation?

Are there any L&M practices within the organisation that were not included in the L&M theories presented in section 2? If so, specify

Are there any emerging trends that diverge or converge between Theory and Practice? Leadership and Management Theories

CONCLUSION – +/- 300 words – Marking Guide 5%

Summary of the key points identified from Sections 3 and Section 4


Must use USW Harvard Style Referencing

A minimum of 35 to 45 references (Acceptable Academic references)

Overall Presentation, Structure, Style and Referencing – Marking Guide 5%

Overall presentation, structure, style and referencing matters

Recommended Structure for Assignment/Report aligned to Marking Guide

Must be written in the 3rd person – academic writing

Ensure to label any all diagrams or tables, including source

Ensure the assignment has page numbers

Ensure to use English (UK) spell check function

Must use USW Harvard Style Referencing throughout the Report and in the References section.


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