IRAC Analysis, HumanResource Issue; BBA 329 SPRING 2021
The project is to write an analysis of a current human resource issue. The analysis follows the
IRAC structure—-Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion—-covered in the Unit 1 material. There
is no requirement for a specific number of pages but, as a guide, the paper would most likely be
between three (3) and five (5) pages. The analysis is to be written in a business style following
the IRAC structure. There is a Grading Rubric which should be helpful in developing the analysis
and writing the project. IRAC Analysis, HumanResource Issue

The information needed to complete the analysis is:
1. The Fact Situation;
2. Fact Sheet #71 from the United States Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division;
3. New York State Labor Standards Fact Sheet.
The Unit 3 course information, providing an overview of labor laws, may be helpful in terms of
background information. There is no other information needed for this project. This is not a
research project. Rather, the grade will be based on the overall organization, the strength of
the analysis, and writing.
IRAC Analysis, HumanResource Issue; You will be assigned to work in a group with other classmates. The purpose of the group is to
share ideas about how to approach the problem and how to come to a conclusion. This a not a
group essay and there is no group grade. However, in the work environment, collaborating
with colleagues is essential and helpful in resolving issues. Therefore, you are expected to
collaborate with your class colleagues to resolve the issue presented in the fact situation. Each
group will be scheduled to meet with the instructor on either February 16th or February 18th to
share your ideas on how to approach the issue and also to raise any questions you may have.
Each student will be assigned a position to present—-either the employer or the intern—-for
the group discussion. Your essay will present both sides of the analysis before coming to a

As you work on the project and work with your group, please let me know if you have any
questions or if any clarification is needed.
You are the Director of Human Resources for Lord and Taylor Department Stores in the New
York metropolitan area—-New York City, Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Westchester
County. It has been a long-standing policy of the company to have student interns work in
various departments. The company considers this part of community service and also uses the
Intern Program as a way to identify and recruit new employees.
Alexandra Cortez is a student at Lehman College working towards a BBA degree with a
concentration in marketing. Her goal is to work in the retail industry upon graduation. Ms.
Cortez was enrolled in the BBA 370 course, Internship in Business, in the fall 2020 semester.
For her internship, Ms. Cortez was assigned to work in the Lord and Taylor Marketing
Department and she was thrilled. The Director of Marketing, Wanda Cummings, told Ms.
Cortez that she would be shadowing her for the twenty hours (20) per week that Ms. Cortez
would be at the work site. Before beginning the internship, the Human Resources Department
provided Ms. Cortez with the Guidelines for Interns. The Guidelines explained that interns are
not employees and the purpose of the internship program is to provide a practical educational
experience. The Guidelines ended by stating that interns should contact the Human Resources
Department with any questions or concerns about the program or their internship
Ms. Cortez began the internship on September 3, 2020, and, as promised, she attended
meetings with Ms. Cummins and worked with her on specific marketing projects. Ms. Cortez
was very excited and saw the possibility of a job with Lord and Taylor when she graduates in
May 2021.
The first week in October 2020, Ms. Cummins’ administrative assistant announced that she is
pregnant and expected to deliver her child in March 2021. The pregnancy has proved to be a
difficult one and the administrative assistant has fallen behind in her work. Over time, Ms.
Cummins has been assigning Ms. Cortez work that would normally be handled by the
administrative assistant. As a result, Ms. Cortez has been attending less meetings with Ms.
Cummins and doing more administrative work—-scheduling meetings, writing and responding
to emails, writing memos for the staff, etc.—-than marketing. Ms. Cortez has raised the issue
of her assignments with Ms. Cummins but her response is that knowing how the office works is
essential to understanding all aspects of the Marketing Department.
At the end of the fall semester, Ms. Cumming asked Ms. Cortez to continue her internship
through the spring semester. She explained that Ms. Cortez has learned and grown in the time
she has been with the Marketing Department and the additional time would give Ms. Cortez
almost a year of experience. Ms. Cummins also said that Ms. Cortez has a bright future in retail
marketing and hinted about the possibility of a position with Lord and Taylor when she
When the fall semester ended, Ms. Cortez continued to work twenty (20) hours per week. She
is interested in working through the spring 2021 semester and the possibility of a full time job.
However, she is concerned that Ms. Cummins really wants her to assume more of the job duties
when the administrative assistant goes on parental leave in March.
Ms. Cortez is hesitant to raise the issue of her duties. Out of frustration, Ms. Cortez has come
to the Human Resources Department to seek guidance. She has asked that her concerns be
kept confidential and she would like to continue with the internship. However, Ms. Cortez
feels that if she is replacing the administrative assistant then she should be treated as a part
time employee, with a salary and benefits.

Based the facts above and the guidance from the United States and New York State
Departments of Labor, apply the IRAC structure to analyze whether Ms. Cortez is an employee
or an intern. The analysis should present the position of both the employer and the intern. The
conclusion should provide a short summary of both positions and present a solution.

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