Impact Of COVID-19 On Global Economy; Several sectors in the global economy have been hit especially hard due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. A couple of the hardest-hit sectors include automotive, healthcare services, pharma, hospitality, and airlines. Several countries have played an important role in economic- policy interventions to boost up their economy and assist industries that are struggling. Choose a foreign country and research the economic policies that the country has put into place to assist with the recovery. Specific examples should be  provided to support your paper. Your comments should also be supported by your research. This is a midterm activity. Reflect on what you have learned in activities in Modules 1-4 and demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and theories. You a re expected to go beyond your textbook to support your comments in this case study. There should be a minimum of three references that arc from scholarly journals. The contents of the paper should consist of three pages {750 words) written in current APA format. The total of three pages does not include the cover page. references or any exhibits. For information about A PA format, please sec the Writing Style Guide.

Impact Of COVID-19 On Global EconomySave your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number. Do not add punctuation or special characters. The estimated amount of time spent on this activity: 9 hours

Several sectors in the global economy have been hit especially hard due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. A couple of the hardest-hit sectors include automotive healthcare services pharma hospitality and airlines. Several countries have played an important role in economic- policy interventions to boost up their economy and assist industries that are struggling. Choose a foreign country and research the economic policies that the country has put into place to assist with the recovery. Specific examples should be  provided to support your paper. Your comments should also be supported by your research. This is a midterm activity. Reflect on what you have learned in activities in Modules 1-4 and demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and theories. You a re expected to go beyond your textbook to support your comments in this case study. There should be a minimum of three references that arc from scholarly journals. The contents of the paper should consist of three pages {750 words) written in current APA format. The total of three pages does not include the cover page. references or any exhibits. For information about A PA format, please sec the Writing Style Guide.

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