200-250 words APA 6 format, in-text citation, Please provide a copy of all references used. Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare

**The links to the mentioned video are provided below. **Assignment Details:

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Ethical dilemmas in healthcare are not always about life and death, but these are faced by healthcare professionals every day in their interactions with patients. Consider the scenario in this video about a patient’s request for painkillers to relieve his dental pain:Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare

After viewing the video and considering the possible decisions that the dentist can make, answer the following questions: Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare

  • What ethical principles are involved in this case and what are the steps in the ethical decision-making process that the dentist should use to come to an ethical decision?
  • If you were the dentist, what do you think is the best ethical decision and why? Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare

**Reference and link to video**

American College of Dentists. (2018, May 10). ACD ethical dilemma–patient in pain [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NlBhxLLBRw

After viewing the video and considering the possible decisions that the dentist can make, answer the following questions: Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare

  • What ethical principles are involved in this case and what are the steps in the ethical decision-making process that the dentist should use to come to an ethical decision?
  • If you were the dentist, what do you think is the best ethical decision and why?

**Reference and link to video**

American College of Dentists. (2018, May 10). ACD ethical dilemma–patient in pain [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NlBhxLLBRw

American College of Dentists. (2018, May 10). ACD ethical dilemma–patient in pain [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NlBhxLLBRw

After viewing the video and considering the possible decisions that the dentist can make, answer the following questions:

  • What ethical principles are involved in this case and what are the steps in the ethical decision-making process that the dentist should use to come to an ethical decision?
  • If you were the dentist what do you think is the best ethical decision and why?

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