Drafting Research Questions ;Come up with good research questions about

1. SOMA is an artificial narcotic that cures sadness or pain and gives you joy and in real-world narcotics give temporary joy.

2. FREEDOM, in the book Lenina crowne is obedient to the world state (goverment) encourage of sensual pleasure but Bernard resents being programmed to follow the world state and not being permitted to think about himself and he wants to be free and express his emotions instead of hiding. Drafting Research Questions

3. CHRISTIANITY, people from the New London can have sex with anyone. People from the outside can only have sex with one person and how New London does not believe in God And religion.

please come up with 4 questions in each topic. use ’why’ ’how’ ‘what’ when doing your questions. Compare these topics into our real life/world.

Attached is the criteria for this homework.

1. SOMA is an artificial narcotic that cures sadness or pain and gives you joy and in real-world narcotics give temporary joy.

2. FREEDOM in the book Lenina crowne is obedient to the world state (goverment) encourage of sensual pleasure but Bernard resents being programmed to follow the world state and not being permitted to think about himself and he wants to be free and express his emotions instead of hiding.

3. CHRISTIANITY people from the New London can have sex with anyone. People from the outside can only have sex with one person and how New London does not believe in God And religion.

please come up with 4 questions in each topic. use ’why’ ’how’ ‘what’ when doing your questions. Compare these topics into our real life/world.

Attached is the criteria for this homework.

please come up with 4 questions in each topic. use ’why’ ’how’ ‘what’ when doing your questions. Compare these topics into our real life/world.

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