Review the DNP Essentials and the 2011 Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report for statements on nursing leadership in health policy. Identify how these documents define nursing leadership in relation to health policy and the community. Use at least three references to support your findings.

DNP Essentials

The DNP Essentials and the 2011 Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report both highlight the importance of nursing leadership in health policy and the community.

The DNP Essentials, developed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), define nursing leadership in relation to health policy as “the use of knowledge, skills, and strategies to influence and implement policies and systems that impact health care delivery and population health outcomes.” This includes advocating for policies that improve access to care, addressing health disparities, and promoting evidence-based practice.

The 2011 Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report similarly emphasizes the importance of nursing leadership in health policy. The report states that nurses should be “full partners” with other healthcare professionals in redesigning healthcare in the United States. It also calls for nurses to be actively involved in shaping policy and the broader healthcare environment, with a focus on improving access to care, reducing healthcare disparities, and promoting a culture of continuous quality improvement.

Both the DNP Essentials and the Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report also highlight the importance of nursing leadership in the community. The DNP Essentials state that nurses should be “leaders in improving health and achieving health equity in diverse communities.” The Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report similarly calls for nurses to be active in their communities, working to improve the health and well-being of the population.

Examples of this can be found in the Journal of Professional Nursing, “Health Policy and Advocacy: Essential Roles for Doctoral Prepared Nurses” This article highlights the importance of nursing leadership in health policy and advocacy, and the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in shaping healthcare policy and promoting health equity.

Another example can be found in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” this report emphasizes the importance of nursing leadership in shaping healthcare policy and promoting health equity, and the role of nurses in leading change in healthcare organizations and communities.

In summary, the DNP Essentials and the 2011 Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report both highlight the importance of nursing leadership in health policy and the community. They define nursing leadership in relation to health policy as the use of knowledge, skills, and strategies to influence and implement policies and systems that impact health care delivery and population health outcomes, and the importance of nursing leadership in improving health and achieving health equity in diverse communities.

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