Test: Section I: The Values that Support Life in the Community (Direct Support Professionals Manual)
Please circle the correct answers for the following multiple choice and true/false
questions on the test answer sheet.
1. DBHDS values Direct Support Professionals who:
A) communicate clearly, openly and honestly
B) work to ensure that people are healthy, safe and valued by others
C) use person-centered practices
D) all of the above
2. All of the following are examples of Virginia’s Person-Centered Principles
A) Listening
B) Community
C) Productivity
D) Self-Direction

Direct Support Professionals Manual
3. Persons with intellectual disability:
A) are all very similar.
B) always need assistance with personal hygiene.
C) are valuable and contributing members of their community.
D) should be treated like children rather than adults.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
58 Direct Support Professionals Manual
4. The concept “dignity of risk” means that the risks that are part of ordinary life:
A) are too dangerous for people with intellectual disability.
B) can lead to personal growth, development and fulfillment for individuals
who are developmentally disabled.
C) are so great that people with intellectual disability must live in large
institutions to have safer, risk free lives.
D) are allowable if the person has signed a release of liability.
5. In following the concept of “dignity of risk” one of the most important staff
responsibilities is for staff to:
A) get a release of information signed by the individual’s parent.
B) allow the people you support to do anything they choose to do.
C) provide the people you support with meaningful information about the
possible consequences of their actions so they can make informed
choices and decisions.
D) tell the people you support what you think is the safest way for them to
behave. Direct Support Professionals Manual
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
6. An example of the principle of “community connection” is:
A) putting signs in front of the group home so the public will understand that
individuals with disabilities have a right to live in the community.
B) special camps for children and adults with disabilities which create a
separate, safe community.
C) taking the people in your day support program to see Santa Claus at the
D) helping a person you support become a volunteer at a local hospital.

7. Based on the principle of “community presence and participation,” people with
disabilities lead better lives when they:
A) participate primarily in activities with other people with disabilities because
they’re the only people who really understand them.
B) attend special classes which are taught at a slower pace.
C) have the chance to experience routine community activities and to interact
with people who are non-disabled.
D) live and work with other individuals with disabilities.
8. Employment First means that:
A) the first option of what to do during the day that is offered to individuals
with disabilities is integrated, community employment.
B) because work is so highly valued, all individuals receiving Waiver services
should work in the community. Direct Support Professionals Manual
C) individuals with disabilities should stay at the first job they get.
D) those who don’t choose work the first time, should not be asked about it
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
9. An example of using “natural supports” is:
A) teaching someone who needs transportation to a weekday job to ride the
bus at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday instead of rush hour on a weekday
because there are fewer passengers.
B) helping the people you support to join the neighborhood association where
they live, so they can meet some of their neighbors.
C) leaving the people you support in the van while you run in the
convenience store to buy drinks for everyone.
D) teaching someone to iron without plugging in the iron.
10. People with intellectual disability cannot indicate choice unless they are
verbal, so it is essential that speech therapy be available to all people with
intellectual disability.
True or False
11. It is important to offer individuals both immediate choices (such as what to eat
for lunch) and long-term choices (such as where and with whom to live).
True or False
12. Dignity of risk involves supporting persons with intellectual disability to make
informed decisions.
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
13. One of the reasons adults with intellectual disability are often not given the
respect they deserve is:
A) a tendency to see the disability rather than the person first.
B) a lack of experience with or exposure to persons who have disabilities.
C) a tendency to view adults with intellectual disability as childlike.
D) all of the above.
14. Talking about the people you support in their presence is okay if you’re
certain they don’t understand what you’re saying.
True or False
15. People with intellectual disability have the same rights to privacy, due
process, speech and freedom of religion as non-disabled persons; however,
they don’t have the right to vote or the right to marry.
True or False
16. As an employee of a Community Services Board or private agency serving
persons with intellectual disability, you will be responsible for respecting the
human rights of the people you support and following related agency human
rights policies.
True or False

Direct Support Professionals Manual
17. Home and Community-Based (HCB) Waivers allow Medicaid funding of
supports to people in their communities instead of only in an institution (such
as a training center or nursing home).
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
18. The core of person-centered planning (PCP) is:
A) to have better paperwork.
B) to ensure the funding of programs and services.
C) to empower the individual receiving paid supports to make decisions and
choices that direct and shape his or her own life.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
Test: Section II: Introduction to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Please circle the correct answers for the following multiple choice and true/false
questions on the test answer sheet.
1. The definition of Intellectual disability includes:
A) significantly below average intellectual functioning; around 75-70 IQ or
B) lacking skills such as, communication, self-help skills, finances, etc.
C) onset before age 18
D) all of the above.
2. People with intellectual disability:
A) are the same as anyone with developmental disabilities.
B) are best supported with the same approach.
C) all need psychological services.
D) have their own goals.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
3. Intellectual disability may be caused by:
A) genetic or chromosomal factors, like Down Syndrome.
B) trauma such as accidents or physical abuse before the age of 18.
C) social or environmental factors, such as parental neglect during the child’s
developmental years or lack of stimulation as an infant
D) all of the above
4. Which of the following is true of intellectual disability?
A) A cure has not yet been found, although research is getting closer.
B) The best way to provide services to people with intellectual disability is by
grouping them according to level of intellectual functioning.
C) Supports may be required throughout the lifetime of an individual with
intellectual disability.
D) Only doctors who specialize in treating individuals with intellectual
disability are capable of providing good medical treatment to people with
intellectual disability.
5. By talking to and treating individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
as equals, staff can assist them to be recognized as capable, productive citizens
by members of the community.
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
6. If a person who doesn’t talk frequently points to pictures of airplanes and smiles,
some things a “roadblock removing” staff person might do include arranging for a
plane ride or helping the individual visit an air show.
True or False

7. A person with intellectual disability cannot drive a car.
True or False
8. The best way to support a person with intellectual disability is to provide
opportunities based on the information about past successes and failures that
came from records or staff memories.
True or False
9. A person who suffers brain injury as a result of a car accident at age 25 would
receive a diagnosis of intellectual disability.
True or False
10. Individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities cannot have mental
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
Test: Section III: Nuts & Bolts of the Intellectual Disability Community Waiver
Please circle the correct answers for the following multiple choice and true/false
questions on the test answer sheet.
1. The Intellectual Disability Community Waiver (ID Waiver) pays for:
A) services to persons with all types of disabilities.
B) services provided to people with intellectual disability in communities as
an alternative to institutions.
C) services only for children with intellectual disability.
D) necessary medical services.
2. The choice of which service provider to use for ID Waiver services is made
A) the individual (and authorized representative) receiving services.
B) the psychologist who evaluated the person.
C) the person’s doctor.
D) agreement of the above individuals.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
3. Services under the ID Waiver:
A) are built upon the idea of individualized supports.
B) might be directed by an agency or the individual.
C) are funded through a slot-based system.
D) all of the above.
4. Plans for Supports are written:
A) by doctors.
B) by support coordinators.
C) by each provider with the individual.
D) by Medicaid.
5. The central member of the service planning team is:
A) the individual receiving services, unless he/she can’t talk or communicate
with words.
B) the individual receiving services.
C) the individual’s mother.
D) the case manager.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
6. Documentation should:
A) be accurate.
B) be completed according to agency requirements.
C) relate to what’s in the individual’s service plan.
D) all of the above.
7. Writing objectively means you should write in the records what you observe,
not your opinions.
True or False
8. The standardized assessment for ID and DS Waivers is called the Supports
Magnitude Assessment.
True or False
9. In the Plan for Supports, person centered instructions provide the information
on the way supports are provided to a person.
True or False
10. The DSP doesn’t need to know the Plan for Support for the individual he or
she supports.
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
11. Providers must maintain documentation showing that services are delivered
according to the individual’s support plan.
True or False
12. Individual support plans must be reviewed regularly to determine whether the
person’s needs require changes to the individual support plan.
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
Test: Section IV: Communication
Please circle the correct answers for the following multiple choice and true/false
questions on the test answer sheet.
1. The only way people can truly communicate is by talking to each other.
True or False
2. Some people with intellectual disability may have trouble communicating
A) they had limited opportunities for language development as infants.
B) in addition to intellectual disability, they have a sensory impairment, such
as blindness or deafness or a physical disability, such as cerebral palsy.
C) people don’t take the time to communicate with them.
D) all of the above.
3. Individuals with intellectual disability may understand what people say (receptive
language) better than they can communicate their own thoughts and feelings
(expressive language).
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12

Direct Support Professionals Manual
4. People may communicate through:
A) spoken or written language.
B) behaviors.
C) signs or gestures.
D) All of the above
5. ________________________ means talking or communicating in any form.
A) expressive communication
B) symbolic words
c) non-verbal speech
6. As a DSP, you should:
A) be convincing the individual you understand even if you don’t to avoid
hurting his feelings.
B) be paying close attention to all forms of communication.
C) be teaching the individuals you support to communicate through language
since this is most convenient.
D) be making the individual you support use signs that everyone else uses.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
7. If an individual’s speech is difficult to understand, her family cannot provide you
with any additional information.
True or False
8. The best way to communicate with people with intellectual disability is to talk very
loudly and very slowly.
True or False
9. Using baby talk or a childlike voice when talking to adults with intellectual
disability is inappropriate.
True or False
10. Examples of phrases which devalue (or lessen the worth or value) of the people
we support:
A) “those ID’s”
B) “he’s a Down’s”
C) “deaf and dumb”
D) all of the above
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
11.When working with individuals with developmental disabilities, it is most effective
to use the following tone of voice:
A) parental
B) pleading
C) respectful
D) threatening
12.Identify the behavior(s) below which a person may use to communicate
A) shouting F) head banging
B) crying G) urinating
C) biting (self or others) H) signing
D) scratching I) laughing
E) smiling J) all of the above
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
13.As a DSP it is important to help the individuals you support to find appropriate
ways to express themselves and deal with stresses that frustrate them.
True or False
14. We should always listen closely to what people tell with their actions (in
addition to what they say). Direct Support Professionals Manual
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
Test: Section V: Positive Behavioral Support
Please circle the correct answers for the following multiple choice and true/false
questions on the test answer sheet.
1. Individuals with intellectual disability who exhibit challenging behaviors:
A) may be trying to exercise control over their lives.
B) may be bored or unhappy.
C) may be communicating in a non-customary way.
D) all of the above.
2. Providing positive behavioral support requires:
A) treating individuals with dignity and respect.
B) only saying positive statements so you don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.
C) enforcing strict rules and control so individuals know what to expect.
D) all of the above.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
3. A behavior support plan:
A) never needs to be changed if it is well written.
B) is designed to help DPSs to act in the same way in supporting the
C) outlines what changes are needed in the individual so that he may better fit
into society. Direct Support Professionals Manual
D) will generally use food as a reinforcer.
4. In order to support individuals effectively:
A) each DSP should try support in a different way.
B) the behavior plan should only be used by a supervisor.
C) the same (consistent) teaching strategies must be used by all staff.
D) behavior plans should be the same for each individual.
5. To help a specialist determine the purpose of a challenging behavior you may
be asked to document:
A) what is going on around the person at the time of the behavior.
B) who else is present.
C) what happens immediately after the behavior,
D) all of the above.
6. If a person exhibits challenging behavior she should live in an institution until
the behavior is eliminated.
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
7. A person may communicate through behavior.
True or False
8. One way to make it less likely that a person will exhibit negative behaviors is
to improve the person’s quality of life.
True or False
9. Restrictions on individual rights must comply with human rights policies.
True or False
10. Staff observations of behavioral changes and patterns are not of much
importance in developing effective behavioral supports.
True or False
11. People with intellectual disability do not want to control their day-to-day lives.
True or False
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
Test: Section VI: Health and Safety
Please circle the correct answers for the following multiple choice and true/false
questions on the test answer sheet.
1. As a staff in a community program for individuals with intellectual disability,
one of your responsibilities is to ensure the health and safety of the people
you support. Direct Support Professionals Manual
True or False
2. Using candy or a tasty snack as a reward for desired behavior is
recommended in working with individuals with intellectual disability.
True or False
3. Intellectual disability is always associated with other medical conditions.
True or False
4. You can get information about a person’s medical concerns and general
health by:
A) reading the individual’s medical and social history.
B) observing the individual in different situations and over time.
C) reading the staff log or talking with your co-workers.
D) all of the above
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
5. If an individual refuses to wash his hair, then he is making a choice, and there
is little staff can do. Direct Support Professionals Manual
True or False
6. Changes in appearance, behavior, or manner can be symptoms of illness.
True or False
7. Observing individuals’ changes in appearance or behavior is only the
responsibility of residential staff and not the responsibility of day support or
other program staff.
True or False
8. It is essential that people with intellectual disability:
A) have regular medical and dental care.
B) only see a doctor when they ask for one.
C) go to a pediatric dentist.
D) are able to bathe themselves.
DSP Orientation Test rev. 7-12
9. The Food Plate for adults recommends:
A) 2-3 daily servings of milk, yogurt or cheese
B) 3-5 daily servings of vegetables.
C) 2-3 daily servings of meat, poultry
D) 2-4 daily servings of fruit
E) 6-11 daily servings of breads, cereals
F) All of the above
10. Healthy nutrition is as important for people with intellectual disability as it is for
anyone else.
True or False

Direct Support Professionals Manual

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