Critical Synopsis, Aged Care News: Link of the topic:  ‘They’re all someone’s mum, someone’s dad… and they’re just forgotten’ – ABC News

This written assessment requires you to provide a critical synopsis of a chosen aged care related to a media item. It is designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to acquire and apply knowledge that forms the basis of contemporary evidenced based practices. You are also expected to reflect on how this knowledge is important for your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse. Critical Synopsis Aged Care News

The task includes:

  • Source a news item (released between 2016-2021) related to aged care from a popular media source – this could be a newspaper article, radio interview, blog or another source of online or hardcopy media (suitable online sites and hardcopy resources will be clarified by your tutor)
  • Provide a synopsis (with the integration of key literature into this summary) that states the relevance of the media topic to aged care and describes why this is important knowledge for you in your role as a Student Registered Nurse and soon to be New Graduate Nurse.
  • Review the content of the media item to identify the author’s argument.
  • Critically examine the strengths of their claims against the current aged care literature.
  • Identify any gaps in the information presented, implications for how this knowledge impacts on the care of older people and possible solutions for future care.
  • Reflect on how this knowledge can influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse.
  • The task is to be supported with literature published within 5 years unless referring to a core document (please see your tutor for assistance)
Length: 1800 words


Critical Synopsis of Media Item Critical Synopsis Aged Care News



  • Review assessment guidelines and marking criteria
  • Format 12pt font, double spaced text for essay
  • The task is to be supported with literature published within 5 years



2.Introduction (100 – 120 words)

3.Summary of media item  – Review the content of the popular media item stating relevance to aged care and identify the author’s argument.  (100 – 200 words)

Criteria :  A summary of one media item is provided.  Outline the author’s argument and why the topic is relevant to aged care. Essay includes a softcopy or web link to media item (20%)

Well-articulated summary, clear evidence of media items relevance to aged care. Author’s argument clearly identified and supported with examples from the media item. A web link or soft copy of the media item is included in the assessment.( 20 – 17 marks)

  1. A review of the aged care literature – Critically examine the strengths of their claims against the current aged care literature.(400 – 500 words)

Criteria: Literature is accurately and critically reviewed in relation to the author’s argument. A minimum 6 high quality journal articles dated 2015-2020 are used in the analysis.  (30%)

Well-articulated critical review, integration of evidence of the author’s claims and 6 plus high-quality journals dated 2015 – 2020 that inform the topic of the media item.( 30 – 25.5 marks)

  1. Knowledge gaps identified from literature reviewed – What remains unanswered after a review of the literature, what still needs to be done, where to now?(100 – 200 words)

Criteria: Identify any gaps in the information and implications for how this knowledge impacts the care of older people and possible solutions for future consideration. (25%)

Clear identification of gaps in the literature or areas for further research is described. Implications for how this knowledge impacts the care of older people and possible solutions for future consideration is well articulated and clearly described. 25 – 21 marks Critical Synopsis Aged Care News

  1. Implications for the older person – How this knowledge impacts on the care of older people and possible solutions for future care(200 – 300 words)

Clear identification of gaps in the literature or areas for further research is described. Implications for how this knowledge impacts the care of older people and possible solutions for future consideration is well articulated and clearly described. 25 – 21 marks

  1. Importance to new graduate nurses – Reflect on why this information is important and how this knowledge can influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse. (100 – 200 words)

Criteria: Reflect on how this knowledge can inform and/or influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse (25%)

Well articulated reflection on how this knowledge can inform and/or influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse. Clear strategies and examples are provided.  25 – 21 marks

It has to be Australian based (New graduation Registration Nurse)

  1. Conclusion(100 – 120 words)9. References – APA 7 format. Should demonstrated wide reading. The reference list is not included in the word limit for this assessment

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