Visit the following websites: Conducting Literature Search

  1. Visit the Cochrane Collaboration website and read the introduction.
  2. Search for “logo” in the website search box, and read the explanation of the Cochrane Collaboration logo.
  3. Visit the website for AHRQ: AHRQ, (2019), Aug.). AHRQ’s Healthcare Associated Infections Program.
  4. For information about Hospital Acquired infection, Target Goals, Action plans and information about steering committees use: and
  5. Read about Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections: AHQR, (n.d.). Prevention of Healthcare – Associated Infections.

Locate an evidenced-based research paper (less than five years old). Describe the following about the study:

  1. The title?
  2. What is the study about?
  3. Purpose of the study?
  4. What was the framework of the study?
  5. Protocol development?
  6. Describe the evaluation of the study.
  7. What were the findings and conclusions? Conducting Literature Search

Conducting Literature Search

Visit the following websites:

  1. Visit the Cochrane Collaboration website and read the introduction.
  2. Search for “logo” in the website search box, and read the explanation of the Cochrane Collaboration logo. Conducting Literature Search
  3. Visit the website for AHRQ: AHRQ, (2019), Aug.). AHRQ’s Healthcare Associated Infections Program.
  4. For information about Hospital Acquired infection, Target Goals, Action plans and information about steering committees use: and
  5. Read about Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections: AHQR, (n.d.). Prevention of Healthcare – Associated Infections. Conducting Literature Search

Locate an evidenced-based research paper (less than five years old). Describe the following about the study:

  1. The title?
  2. What is the study about?
  3. Purpose of the study?
  4. What was the framework of the study?
  5. Protocol development?
  6. Describe the evaluation of the study.
  7. What were the findings and conclusions?

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