Communication video.

Instructions: Read the article, Dealing with Difficult People, and review the resources on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in the Week 4 module. Plan, organize, and practice your video content. Keep your video to four minutes or less while you address the following components: Communication Video Assignment

Communication Video Assignment

  1. Briefly share an experience you have had with one of the “difficult” personalities outlined in article. The experience could be one in which you were directly involved, or one in which you were an observer. Ideally, your scenario will be from a clinical experience or healthcare-related employment; however, it could also be from your personal or family life. Please do not use actual names. Address the following components: Communication Video Assignment
  • Provide background to help set up the interaction you witnessed or were involved in. For instance, where did the interaction take place, who was involved, what precipitated the event, etc.
  • Describe how the person behaved, using specifics from one of the “difficult” personality types in the article. What impact did the behavior have on those around them? How did others respond? Was the response constructive or harmful? Why?
  1. Using the principles of nonviolent communication outlined in this week’s resources provide an example of a response to the difficult person using NVC language. Ensure that you identify and illustrate the steps outlined in the NVC process. Communication Video Assignment


  • Speak clearly.
  • A well-rehearsed video is the key to success!
  • Review the grading rubric so you are aware of how the points are allocated.

Communication Video Assignment Rubric

Video length

1 point

Four minutes or less

0 points

More than 4 minutes

Prompt #1:

Share experience

5 points

Response completely addresses all five prompts: Provides background: who what where; describes behavior; classifies “difficult” personality type; discusses impact on others; describes and categorizes others’ response

4 points

Response addresses four of the prompts

3 points

Response addresses three of the prompts

2 points

Response addresses two of the prompts

1 point

Response addresses less than two of the prompts

Prompt #2: Example of NVC response

4 points

Observation step identified and illustrative response given; Feelings step identified and illustrative response given; Needs step identified and illustrative response given; Requests step identified and illustrative response given Communication Video Assignment

3 points

Three of the steps identified with examples given

2 points

Two of the steps identified with examples given

1 point

One step identified with example given

0 points

No steps identified and/or no examples of responses given

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