Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416: Theory–Practice Gap

            The theory chosen in this case scenario is the Watson’s theory of human care. This theory considers human beings to be different from other objects and hence cannot be separated from self, nature and other characteristics that define them in different environments. Although Watson’s theory of human care finds its application in almost all the aspects of nursing profession, its main emphasis is usually on the interpersonal relationships that exist between nurses or clinical officers and the patients. The main focus of Watson’s theory of human care is the central aspect of patient care and its role in the healing process of patients (Yeter et al., 2015).

Define and Discuss Cloud Computing            The research topic chosen to match the theory is the patient-centred care. Patient centered care is defined as the type of care that incorporates patients, family members and guardians in a valuable and meaningful way to realize the best results. Patient centered care involves listening, consulting and involving the patients in all care process decisions that must be made. It can also be considered as the patient care that is respectful and responsive to patient preferences, needs and values while ensuring that patient values are the cornerstone in all the clinical decisions that are made. Patient centered care is based on eight principles: information and education, respect for patient preferences and values, integration and coordination of care, emotional support, access to care, involvement of friends and family members, continuity and transition (Jayadevappa & Chhatre, 2011). Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416

In line with Watson’s theory of human care and patient centered care, supportive care practice was chosen as the practice guideline. Supportive care practice is the care practice that is aimed at improving the quality of life of patients who are facing chronic or life-threatening conditions. The main goal of supportive care practice is to take care of patients in their early stages of a chronic condition or when the symptoms are at the early stages to prevent them from escalating (Hui et al., 2013).

            Considering the three areas, Supportive care practice, Watson’s theory of caring and patient centered care research; there is a close relationship between them. Watson’s theory of caring and patient centered care research is the pillars of achieving supportive care practice. Their relationship is reciprocal and cyclical (Latham, 2012). Through supportive care practices, research questions in a patient centered care research can be developed. It is also the supportive care practices that formed the foundation for the development of Watson Theory of care. The patient centered care research has been acting as the guiding principle towards supportive care practices and building knowledge to improve Watson’s theory of human care. Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416

Watson’s theory of human caring has been providing significant trails and guidelines for patient centered care research by pointing out the areas that are fruitful and the meaningful relationships among variables. The theory has also increased the meaningfulness of findings in the study of human care by helping researchers perceive the special considerations for human caring

There are two main identifiable gaps between Watson’s theory of human care and the supportive care practices. One of the gaps is that the theory lacks relevance in the modern day supportive care practices. For instance, Watson’s theory is impractical in the support of acuity care illness which is complex in nature. This is because the theory emphasizes on the “spiritual” aspect of care and ignores the physical entities of an individual. The second gap is the level of care tabled by Watson’s theory; it is impractical where there is high acuity of illness because the advanced technology limits the time spent with the patient. Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416

            There is a challenge when one of the three aspects (Watson’s theory of human care, patient-centred care research and supportive care) is lacking. For instance, the absence of Watson’s theory of human care would make it a challenge to design patient-centred care research questions and guide the selection of relevant data. Therefore an error margin of patient-centred research that does not use Watson’s theory should be big.


Hui, D., De La Cruz, M., Mori, M., Parsons, H. A., Kwon, J. H., Torres-Vigil, I., … & Kang, D. H.           (2013). Concepts and definitions for “supportive care,” best supportive care,” palliative care,”     and “hospice care” in the published literature, dictionaries, and textbooks. Supportive Care in        Cancer21(3), 659-685.

Jayadevappa, R., & Chhatre, S. (2011). Patient-centred care-a a conceptual model and review of the state of the art. The Open Health Services and Policy Journal4(1).

Latham, G. P. (2012). Work motivation: History, theory, research, and practice. Sage.

Yeter Durgun Ozan Ph.D., B. S. N. (2015). Implementation of Watson’s theory of human caring: A case             study. International Journal of Caring Sciences8(1), 25.