SOLUTION: Ms Jeter is a general education teacher in an inclusive seventh-grade classroom that will have 30 students including four students with learning disabilities (LD) and two students with emotional disabilities (ED). She was just informed that a paraeducator would assist her in the classroom for the new school year. She has spoken to the paraeducator and it appears that the two will work very well together in terms of compatible personalities and philosophies regarding students with disabilities. However Ms. Jeter has never worked with a paraeducator before. Further the paraeducator has never had this job before but has worked as a Sunday school teacher and loves children.

Based on the scenario, use the “Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducator Action Plan” to create a 500-750 word action plan for a successful co-teaching environment. SOLUTION: Ms. Jeter is a general education teacher in an inclusive seventh-grade classroom

The action plan should address the following:

  1. Teaching Philosophy and Vision of the Classroom Setting: Describe a philosophy and vision that incorporates the teacher/paraeducator relationship.
  2. Rules and Expectations: Describe 3-5 rules and expectations for the teacher and the paraeducator specific to student learning and behavior in the classroom.

SOLUTION: Ms. Jeter is a general education teacher in an inclusive seventh-grade classroom

  1. Collaboration Model Outline: Selected from Part 1 of this assignment, outline a collaboration model for the paraeducator that promotes the well-being of individuals with disabilities. Include possible challenges and advantages to utilizing the selected collaboration model.
  2. Roles and Responsibilities: Identify roles and responsibilities of the teacher and the paraeducator, including the discussion of confidentiality.
  3. Collaboration Time: Detail a plan for the teacher and paraeducator to meet regularly to prepare for units/lessons, reflect on teaching, review student achievement/goals, and provide feedback and mentoring to the paraeducator.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. SOLUTION: Ms Jeter is a general education teacher in an inclusive seventh-grade classroom. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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