National Core Competencies for Nurse Practitioners; Discuss how your preceptor demonstrated proficiency with this competency during your clinical practice and what you have gained from that experience. If you have not worked with a preceptor yet you may choose an example of an NP who you have worked with or an NP who you have observed. If you are having difficulty identifying a personal story please feel free to demonstrate your understanding of a second competency through an evidence-based essay that adds depth to a peer’s initial post.

In this discussion you are asked to provide exemplars that are personal experiences. 2 references APA format

National Core Competencies for Nurse Practitioners

Respond to the below write up: National Core Competencies for Nurse Practitioners

Among on the National Core Competencies for Nurse Practitioners I choose to elaborate on Leadership competency.  As highlighted in the Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies by (NONPF) the Nurse Practitioner Provides leadership to foster collaboration with multiple stakeholders (e.g. patients community integrated health care teams and policy makers) to improve health care (NONPF 2012) Leadership qualities was displayed in working through previous DNP course NU 740 by collaborating with various disciplines while gathering data to support my SPP. As a clinical nurse leader with experience in overseeing an interdisciplinary team collaboration is key to successfully running a team to improve healthcare outcomes. National Core Competencies for Nurse Practitioners

In my role as a clinical Nurse Manager I displayed effective leadership by fostering collaboration with multiple stakeholders while working on a self-scheduling project for the team. Stakeholders included nurses therapists social workers nurse practitioners and clinical schedulers. Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) and Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNLs) are in a unique position to take a leadership role in collaboration with other healthcare professionals to shape healthcare reform as they use extended and expanded skills and are trained to focus on improved patient outcomes. (Heinen et al. (2019). As an NP Student the development of leadership qualities can be harnessed through learning and collaboration among peers to improve the overall patient experience and outcomes. Nurse practitioners are advanced practice nurses possessing expert knowledge and leadership skills that can be optimized to narrow disparities and ensure access to high‐quality health care globally. (Rosa et al. 2020)

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