Step 1. Identify a hypothetical organizational issue or problem. This issue needs to be focused on the organization, so something like: staffing, hiring, corruption, communication, socialization, overtime, staff well-being, budget, etc. Be sure to provide a solid description of the issue or problem so we all can follow along.


Step 2. Situate your hypothetical issue or problem within a testable research question. For example, you’ll need to state your problem in the form of a research question. So let’s say our hypothetical problem had to do with the rate of correctional officer-inmate violent altercations. There are a number of ways you could phrase this question here. For example, your question might be: “Does increasing the number of correctional officers on duty lower the number of violent altercations per shift?” Now think ahead to what you may or may not find and ask yourself, how will an answer to this question impact policy? Also, if we were relate this question to a respective organizational theory or theoretical era, which would it be? I would say, this question reflects more traditional theoretical beliefs, where the concern is less on the people, and more on the process. Asked differently, our question might read as: “Does a de-escalation training program lead to fewer violent altercations per shift?” Here, I would argue that the question follows more of an HRT approach, where staff training is more important. Hypothetical organizational issue or problem

Step 3. Now, once you’ve stated your research question, try to identify and provide your reasoning why you believe it fits into a more traditional or more human resources theoretical framework.

I’m looking for well-thought-out answers. Please take your time and be as honest as you can with your reflection statement. Please consult the discussion rubric link (above) for guidance on how to earn full credit for your discussion. Hypothetical organizational issue or problem

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