Explanation of Benefits (AOB); As a part of your responsibilities, you are answering the phones for the day. A patient calls and begins yelling at you about an EOB that she has received that denied her claim as being “not medically necessary.” It will be important that you attempt to listen to the facts the patient is giving. What is an EOB and how would you handle this situation? In 150 words reply using below references. Plagiarism is a serious penalty; please make sure to use your own words and provide citations and references for any sources you utilize in your responses. The citation (i.e. Bayes, 2019) follows any sentence that reflects information you learned from the book. All initial responses to the DQs require at least one reference. Reminder: Use your own words when writing your post. The reference at the bottom of your post should appear as follows: Explanation of Benefits (AOB)

As a part of your responsibilities you are answering the phones for the day. A patient calls and begins yelling at you about an EOB that she has received that denied her claim as being “not medically necessary.” It will be important that you attempt to listen to the facts the patient is giving. What is an EOB and how would you handle this situation? In 150 words reply using below references. Plagiarism is a serious penalty; please make sure to use your own words and provide citations and references for any sources you utilize in your responses. The citation (i.e. Bayes, 2019) follows any sentence that reflects information you learned from the book. All initial responses to the DQs require at least one reference. Reminder: Use your own words when writing your post. The reference at the bottom of your post should appear as follows: Explanation of Benefits (AOB)
Bayes, N. L. (2019). Medical office procedures with insurance (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.