Counseling skills demonstration

Paper should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages double spaced 12-point font.

Items to be included:

  • Peer evaluation (TIPS Checklist)- Included as an addendum
  • Interview questions outline-Included as an addendum
  • 24-hour recall-Included as an addendum
  • Reflection paper
    • Self Evaluation – Included in conclusion of paper

Reflection Paper:

  1. Overview of Counseling Session
    1. What counseling style did you select? These are described in chapters 5-9 in your text.  These counseling interventions are based on theories or models such as the Health Belief Model, Behavioral theory, social cognitive theory, motivational interviewing or the transtheoretical model of behavior change.
      1. Why did you select this counseling strategy?
      2. What theory is this counseling strategy based on?
  • What has the literature shown with respect to this counseling strategy being effective? Essentially why do we think this strategy works (include citations)? Counseling Skills Demonstration

Counseling session

    1. How did you prepare for the counseling session with your client?
    2. How did you use this counseling style or theory to inform your interview guide?
    3. What were the goals of your client?
    4. How did your counseling strategy help refine your clients goals and move them towards achieving those goals?
    5. What are your overall observations about the interview session from the beginning to the middle to the end? For example how did you establish rapport? What were the verbal and non-verbal cues that you were given and how did that information shift your counseling approach or strategy?
    6. How did you use the 24 hour recall during your session?
    7. During the session what adaptations did you need to make from your original plan?

Conclusion-Self Evaluation

    1. Overall what were the strengths and areas of opportunity that you observed after viewing your session?
    2. What was your experience with this assignment? What was your biggest take-away?
    3. What do you think would have made this counseling session better or more effective?
    4. What do you think could have been done better to prepare you for this counseling session experience?

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