CNO Report Based on Health and Medicine Division (HMD) Recommendations

Executive summary

            HMD recommendations are aimed at achieving efficient, timely, effective, equitable, safe and patient-centred care. HMD focuses on patient safety to promote best practices and health policies that improve the quality and safety of healthcare facilities. One of its main recommendations is the establishment of both private and government agencies to monitor the quality of healthcare services across health facilities to ensure that they meet standards. Others include identifying and documenting medical errors through reporting systems to enable nurses to learn from their past errors and prevent them from recurring.

Define and Discuss Cloud Computing            There are several ways through which my organization has met the quality indicators of HMD. For instance, we have shifted from keeping patient information manually to electronic health systems which are reliable and easy to trace data for emergency cases. The organization has enough bed capacity to meet the increasing patient population and minimize the transmission of infections between patients. The organization has also implemented strict policies regarding the discharge process and instructions to promote quick recovery even after a patient has been discharged. There is quarterly auditing of the organization to ensure that it can meet the increasing health needs (Finkelman, 2017). CNO Report Based on Health and Medicine Division

            There are different ways through which my organization has aligned itself with HMD’s vision. One of the ways is the adoption of electronic health systems for secure and reliable recording of patient medical records as well as keeping them. The organization has enough bed capacity to meet the demands of the increasing patient population and avoid patient-patient transmission of infections. Also, the organization has implemented strict policies on patient discharge planning to ensure that patients leave the hospital with enough information to enhance the recovery process. CNO Report Based on Health and Medicine Division


Finkelman, A. W. (2017). Learning IOM/HMD: Implications of the Institute of Medicine and Health &    Medicine Division Reports for Nursing Education. American Nurses Association.–me/