Answers: HSM 435 The Psychology of Disaster at Ashford University.

HSM 435 Week 1 Discussion 1: Explain the impact of a cyber-terrorism attack on (a) an individual, (b) the United States, and (c) international community. Explain how such an attack would affect these three groups differently. Address cyber-terrorism which destroys electronic banking information, destroys or prevents electronic commerce (e.g., the Stock Market), or causes failures in critical infrastructures, such as safeguards at power plants failing, resulting in mass power blackouts. Discuss whether or not you think cyber-terrorism must be waged by an actual terrorist group, or if a 20-year-old college student who is proficient in computers can also perform cyber-terrorism. Why or why not?
HSM 435 Week 1 Discussion 2: Identify two psychological symptoms victims and first responders sustain from suicide terrorist attacks. Explain why you think suicide attacks are or are not an effective means of terrorism.

HSM 435 Week 2 Discussion 1: The effect that a prolonged terrorist attack and an isolated terrorist attack will have on individuals is long lasting and effect people in many different ways. These individuals can suffer from PTSD after these attack and have to witness the aftermath day in and day out. They have to see the debris that is left behind. They also have to deal with the personal struggle that these attacks took on their lives.
HSM 435 Week 2 Discussion 2Describe at least three factors that influence whether or not children are affected by terrorism. Do you think terrorism has a significant impact on children? Explain why.

HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 1: How do the five essential elements of mass trauma intervention identified by Hobfoll address and treat psychological symptoms of disaster victims? Do you think these elements address the needs of all individuals affected by a disaster? Explain your answers. Do you think these principles are accurate and comprehensive, or should they be modified? Explain how they are accurate or provide a suggestion to improve the principles.
HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 2: Read “Hurricane Andrew’s Other Legacy.” Describe at least two psychological symptoms Hurricane Andrew victims experienced. Do you think the recommendations noted in the article were helpful and appropriate? Why?

Answers: HSM 435 The Psychology of Disaster at Ashford University.
Answers: HSM 435 The Psychology of Disaster at Ashford University.

HSM 435 Week 4 Discussion 1: Explain how Project Liberty met the needs of the community and the outreach initiatives they conducted. Explain why you do or do not think Project Liberty was successful.

HSM 435 Week 4 Discussion 2: Go to your state’s official government web page (e.g., or Locate at least two resources on the site available to victims of terrorist attacks or natural disasters addressing mental health, trauma, or coping. Explain where you found these resources on the site. (Does the state have an easy to find “Disaster Assistance. Explain the resources that are available (victim crisis hotline, monthly trauma meeting, mental health literature. Explain whether or not you think the resources offered by your state would actually be helpful to victims and why. If you cannot find any resources for victims of a terrorist attack or natural disaster on your state’s homepage.

HSM 435 Week 5 Discussion 1: Explain whether you think deterrence or military retaliation is a more effective means of combating terrorism and why. Of the two, which do you think is more successful in helping societies cope with terrorist attacks?
HSM 435 Week 5 Discussion 2: Watch Katrina scars linger. Describe how the community of New Orleans has responded to the disaster. In your opinion, has the city recovered from the disaster? Explain why or why not. Also, do you think a greater focus on mental health services to victims of the disaster would have expedited recovery?

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